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On 9th August 2022, Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) held the Mobilegraphy Workshop at SMK Kg. Dato’ Seri Kamaruddin, Perak. Students from SMK Kg. Dato’ Seri Kamaruddin, SMK Changkat Beruas and SMK Dato Abdul Rahman Yaakub took part in this workshop. We had Ms Winnie Wong, a lifestyle videographer as the speaker. This workshop focuses on educating fellow students about meaningful content creation in the form of videos, thus enables them to understand the basic composition and editing with style in accordance to their personalities and interests. Students are exposed to the wonders of video setting and the features available in a smartphone camera and smartphone video editing apps. We had a practical session where participants were divided into smaller groups to go around the school and do a mini vlog using the skills they learnt in the workshop, for them to present right after.

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